Something Quirkier

Small Blessings Catalogue

Stories 6  7  8  9  10

6.  Like joy and surprise

Transcript of a conversation:

LP: When I say small blessing, what does that mean to you? 

LR: Oh, taking my bubba to Japan, Ellie to Japan. And we went to Planet Labs. And it was like Christmas, walking with all the Christmas Lights. And we saw all the fishies.

LP: And then you think about that story how do you feel?

LR: Oh amazing. It was like Christmas but better! Yeah 

(Ellie waves and blows a kiss)

LP: So obviously Christmas is bringing positive memories. What is it especially about Christmas that you go, yep, that was a blessing?

LR: Like magic… hard to... I don’t know…how do we explain that? Just like joy… and family… and surprise

Ellie: Ahhhh ah!.

This story inspired the installation ‘Delighted’, a flock of fish flying through the gallery roof space. 

People who have made fish for the installation: Jo (with fabric printing assistance from Chris) , Kratai, SS, Bron, Gillian W, Jillian, Rosemary, Jackie, Desi, Kathleen, Juliana, Helen...

Watch this video of the installation. 

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Close ups of some of the fish: 

7.  Gift in a dark moment

LP: What does “small blessings” mean to you? 

JR: I really like little sayings. And one of my favourites is “In every dark moment there is a gift for you.” So even though the situation might seem really dark, somewhere in there, there is something that is special to come out of it.

LP: So have you got a story that is about a small blessing? 

JR: So a friend of mine, her mother was very ill and in palliative care. And she was estranged from her son and grandson and the situation brought them all back together again. And that was her gift in that dark moment. 

But also its kind of why I do mosaics… you might have a beautiful  cup and saucer and it gets broken,  you can tur it into something  else that is beautiful… its kind of the theory behind  my art. 

LP: So how do you feel when you are creating a mosaic from something that has been broken?

JR: I mean it’s sad that the thing that you loved is broken, but how much happier it is to turn it into something else that is beautiful and useful.

7.1 A patch made for ‘Enveloped’. One of my favourite sayings is “In every dark moment there is a gift for you.” so even though the situation might seem really dark, somewhere in there, there is something special to come out of it.” Blue felt (merino fibre) with black fabric paint gelli print made by Lynn. Words stitched by Sandy. We had to show you the reverse side because it is awesome! Approx size 45cm x 25cm.


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8.  Winterlinge

After the last long grey winter here I wrote some poems about welcoming spring… I certainly was looking at small blessings after the horrid greyness of winter after COVID…. 

This is my poem about Winterlinge, the winter acolyte that is the first flower to appear in damp shady spots near water when winter is still gripping us firmly in its hold here in southern Germany. I made a felt and embroidery piece about the Winterlinge as well … of course Winterlinge are a very European thing - I don’t even know if they grow in Canberra …. but I share it with you as a small gift of appreciation for what you are doing.

From Angharad Dean

Currently living in Germany. Home is in Canberra. 


Under the trees by the river

The baren earth damply glistens

Plump soil holds promise

Into this, upon the ground

Golden balls of sunlight

Emerge overnight even as winter blankets all in grey

The winter acolytes, with their collar of green

Glow with promise

Of spring to come

Below is some embroidery by Angharad connected to the story.

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9. Likely to smile

L: What does ‘small blessing’ mean to you?

S: My first thought was the value of a smile... and how easy it is for you to do it and how much you get back when someone else reciprocates

L: So do you have a specific smiling moment you remember where it did just lift your spirits? 

S: I think when it’s unexpected… just when you are walking along the street and you smile at somebody and they smile back at you and you think “ah, there’s lovely people out there.”

L: And how does that make you feel?

S: Positive and it means that I’m likely to smile the next time. 

As told by Sandy, Canberra.

9. On the Street. A series of landscape printed black and white photographs taken by street photographer, Ian, on his travels.  Over the course of the exhibition the photographs will change in the collection. (Note the coloured photos converted to b&w for printing)

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10. Long awaited success

L: What does ‘small blessings’ mean to you?

N: It means innocuous happenings that bring bountiful joy.

L: Can you tell me a story about a small blessing?

N: Well, the first thing I think of is making bread. The first time I was actually successful in making a loaf of sour dough bread that had risen well and the impact it had on me and everybody else. And the fact it keeps having that impact on people when they taste it.

L: So, how did your loaf of bread make you feel?

N: It was a long-awaited success because it takes six weeks for the culture to mature and you make a few loaves regularly until you get the one that’s ‘there’. So you’ve got all that anticipation and then you get this loaf that just looks beautiful and the joy of cutting into it… then you share it! 

As told by Nikki, Canberra.

No creative response - yet. 

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